Die Ukraine und die unumgängliche Überwindung der europäischen Illusionen

In English en Français in Italiano

Die Idee, dass eine Revision der Verträge der Europäischen Union aufgrund ihrer bevorstehenden Erweiterung um die Ukraine, Moldawien und die Balkanländer plötzlich unerlässlich sei, zählt zu den hartnäckigen Unwahrheiten.

Dabei wird nämlich außer Acht gelassen, dass die Union nicht in der Lage war, die massive Invasion der Ukraine durch die Russische Föderation am 24. Februar 2022 vorherzusehen, geschweige denn zu verhindern. Lire la suite

L’Unione europea alla prova dell’Ucraina

Auf Deutsch in English en Français

Linkiesta, 1 Febbraio 2023, Perqasje, 2 Febbraio 2023

Ci sono persistenti contro-verità, come quella secondo cui una revisione dei Trattati diventerebbe improvvisamente necessaria a causa del prossimo allargamento dell’Unione europea all’Ucraina, alla Moldavia e ai paesi balcanici.

Questo significa semplicemente trascurare il fatto che l’Ue non è stata in grado di prevedere, e tanto meno di prevenire, la massiccia invasione dell’Ucraina da parte della Federazione Russa il 24 febbraio scorso. Lire la suite

Europe’s strategic suicide

Auf Deutsch En Français In Italiano

Geopolitica, May, 2021

The People’s Republic of China’s rise in economic, technological and military power and at the same the time, the transformation of its regime from authoritarian to totalitarian is the first threat to the free world and therefore to Europe in terms of preserving a global environment based on freedom (and freedoms).

The second is the strengthening of the Russian Federation’s power to destroy and destabilise, a power which does not translate so much into a new military threat to the Union since the NATO cooperation, which is important and strategic, has been renewed. But rather it has a very strong capacity to harm the interests of the European Union (and its member States) not only in its immediate vicinity, notably in Ukraine, Belarus, the South Caucasus, the Middle East and the Maghreb, but also in Africa. Lire la suite

European security: an abiding illusion and the needs of our time

auf Deutsch en Español en Français in Italiano

GeoPolitica, November 9, 2020

High tensions between Greece and Turkey, chaos in Libya, the Syrian tragedy, annexation of the Crimea, occupation of the Donbass by Russia and its accomplices, state failure in the Sahel, Beijing’s creeping annexation of the South China Sea, the accelerating neo-Stalinist transformation of the Chinese regime, the proliferation of cyber attacks – all constitute threats to the security of the European Union.

At the same time, in spite of real political problems (the level of defense spending in its member states, the Turkish question, the USA’s shift in strategic priority towards the Pacific, etc.), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization continues to represent, with the armies of its member states and under American leadership, the central and essential component in the defense of the European continent. Lire la suite