Trasparenza e partecipazione cittadina nell’Unione europea

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Proposta di petizione al Parlamento europeo

Ricordando che «l’Unione si fonda sui valori indivisibili e universali della dignità umana, della libertà, dell’uguaglianza e della solidarietà»;

Ricordando che «l’Unione si basa sul principio della democrazia e sul principio dello Stato di diritto. Pone la persona al centro della sua azione istituendo la cittadinanza dell’Unione e creando uno spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia…»;

Considerando che nonostante la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dichiari che l’Unione europea pone la persona al centro delle proprie politiche, la maggior parte di queste politiche continuano ad essere finalizzate alla cooperazione fra amministrazioni nazionali;

Considerando chea dieci anni dall’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona ben poco si è fatto per trasporre nella realtà il principio della centralità della persona e del cittadino; Lire la suite

Turning the Council into a European Senate

En Français In Italiano


Proposal for a petition to the European Parliament

A. given that the European Union has dual democratic validation – on the one hand through the European Parliament, which is elected by all European citizens, and on the other through the Council of Ministers, which represents the governments of the member states –;

B. given that the Council (of Ministers) acts as the upper chamber of the EU; indeed, along with the Parliament, it is one of the two chambers where the European legislative process is conducted, having been set in motion by the Commission; Lire la suite

A Common European Army

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Proposal for a petition to the European Parliament

A. given that the United States, beginning with the Obama administration and accelerating under the Trump administration, has favored a progressive disengagement from Europe, the need for the European Union to establish credible instruments of self-defense is every more pressing;

B. given that an autonomous system of European defense in no way interferes with many member states simultaneously belonging to NATO; in any case, the principle of Atlantic solidarity is no longer in a position to safeguard European security on its own in a strategic framework that has ceased being dominated by two massive blocs, as it was during the Cold War, but is marked rather by their gradual, and problematic, disintegration; Lire la suite

Direct Election of the President of the Commission

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Proposal for a petition to the European Parliament

A. given that in the European Union’s current institutional system, political validation rests simultaneously with the Council and the European Parliament, it is unhealthy that only one of these institutions claim the right to elect a candidate from among the so-called Spitzenkandidaten, or the « lead candidates » that each political group presents, someone who is automatically called upon to become the President of the Commission if his or her party gains the largest number of seats;

B. given that the Spitzenkandidat system has now been explicitly rejected by certain European political groups – foremost among them the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE), which will not select any for 2019 – and excludes highly representative national political forces, such as En Marche, which are not currently aligned with any European group; Lire la suite

European public television

En Français In Italiano

Proposal for a petition to the European Parliament

A. given that European citizens’ understanding of the history and culture as well as of the social, economic and political reality of the various countries within the European Union, and of the very functioning of the Union itself, is in general extremely patchy and often distorted by outright political prejudice;

B. given that national media services are now regularly strive to promote souverainist and nationalist ideologies and anti-European rhetoric through the systematic misinterpretation of the activities, objectives and results of common European institutions; Lire la suite