Ukraine and the need to overcome European illusions

Auf Deutsch en Français in Italiano

The Lithuania Tribune, February 2, 2023 U4U, February 6, 2023

There are persistent untruths, such as the one according to which a revision of the Treaties would suddenly become indispensable with the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union to include Ukraine, Moldova and the Balkan countries.

This is to overlook the fact that the EU was unable to foresee, let alone prevent, the massive invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on 24 February last year. With the exception of the United Kingdom, which has since departed, this is the same Union that acknowledged – if not formally 1, at least de facto – the annexation of Crimea and the latent incorporation of the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk by the Russian Federation. It is the same union which, impervious to reality, was still dreaming of strategic independence a few months ago. 2 Lire la suite


  1. “Come on, let’s stop joking around, Crimea is part of Russia. That’s just how it is.” Daniel Cohn-Bendit, France 24, 4 March 2014
  2. « Macron et la confédération européenne », Le Grand Continent, May 2022

Die Ukraine und die unumgängliche Überwindung der europäischen Illusionen

In English en Français in Italiano

Die Idee, dass eine Revision der Verträge der Europäischen Union aufgrund ihrer bevorstehenden Erweiterung um die Ukraine, Moldawien und die Balkanländer plötzlich unerlässlich sei, zählt zu den hartnäckigen Unwahrheiten.

Dabei wird nämlich außer Acht gelassen, dass die Union nicht in der Lage war, die massive Invasion der Ukraine durch die Russische Föderation am 24. Februar 2022 vorherzusehen, geschweige denn zu verhindern. Lire la suite

L’Unione europea alla prova dell’Ucraina

Auf Deutsch in English en Français

Linkiesta, 1 Febbraio 2023, Perqasje, 2 Febbraio 2023

Ci sono persistenti contro-verità, come quella secondo cui una revisione dei Trattati diventerebbe improvvisamente necessaria a causa del prossimo allargamento dell’Unione europea all’Ucraina, alla Moldavia e ai paesi balcanici.

Questo significa semplicemente trascurare il fatto che l’Ue non è stata in grado di prevedere, e tanto meno di prevenire, la massiccia invasione dell’Ucraina da parte della Federazione Russa il 24 febbraio scorso. Lire la suite

Europe struggles to face a new reality

Auf Deutsch en Français in Italiano


Geopolitica, December 2022,  VoxEurop, December 29, 2022

Nine months after the start of the new Russian offensive in Ukraine, many citizens of old Europe still find it hard to grasp the full scope of the West’s involvement in Russia’s undeclared war on Ukraine. 1 Lire la suite


  1. This modus operandi is not new in Moscow. Already in 1939, on Stalin’s orders, the Russian army invaded Finland without a declaration of war.

L’Europe entre chiens et loups

Auf Deutsch in English in Italiano

VoxEurop, 28 décembre 2022

Neuf mois après le début de la nouvelle offensive russe en Ukraine, un grand nombre de citoyens de la vieille Europe éprouvent toujours de grandes difficultés à appréhender la mesure et la nature de l’implication des Etats occidentaux dans cette guerre non déclarée de la Russie à l’Ukraine. 1 Lire la suite


  1. Ce modus operandi n’est pas nouveau à Moscou. Déjà en 1939, l’armée russe avait, sur ordre de Staline, envahi la Finlande sans lui avoir déclaré la guerre.